IESS异思趣向 SXJ.451 Miao Jie:
Release time: 2019.03.28
Model: Miao Jie
Number of pictures: 84 P
“A woman turns her face faster than she turns a book” is the word that many men use when they complain about women. The creator not only gave women a wonderful body and dexterous hands, but also gave her a wonderful brain, so that she possessed the three spiritual magic weapons of “knowledge, intention and emotion”. People often use “a woman’s heart and a child’s face” to describe a woman’s changeable temperament. It can be said that the reason why women are women, emotional and emotional change is also an important feature. However, for the ever-changing women who use wisdom, brains, and skills to deliberately change themselves, “change” is a magic weapon for women to maintain their own charm. Miao Jie belongs to one of these very changeable queens.